Embajadas Argentinas
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Foreign Embassators / Representatives here

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Foreign Embassators / Representatives here Empty Foreign Embassators / Representatives here

Mensaje  Dasein Dom Ago 09, 2009 3:40 pm

Welcome to eArgentina Foreign Affairs Forum.

If you are a foreign ambassador, this is the place to ask for special permission for the respective subforum, by telling which country you represent.

It's a requirement to have in this forum the same nick you have ingame. If you registered with another nick, you can change it going to "Perfil" on the menu.

Only these users will be able to see and write on that private subforum:

- President
- Minister of External Affairs
- Minister of Finances
- Our ambassador in your country, if there is one
- You


- President: Fedegen
- Minister of External Affairs: Irenfrea
- Minister of Finances: marianomedina2

That way, we will be able to discuss freely and privatly about any matter regarding diplomacy between our two countries.

Feel free to contact our Minister of Foreign Affairs - Irenfrea


If you feel like posting in this section instead of your country private subforum, you're absolutely free and welcome to do it, taking into account that all other representatives and citizens of our forum will be able to read an post here. Thus regarding this issue, this can be an excellent way to interact with our community, So we encourage you to maintain also a public embassy open here.

Nota: Acá solo piden los permisos los embajadores extranjeros. Ustedes al registrarse ya poseen permisos para postear en donde sea, asi la información se hace dinámica, y todos pueden debatir y consultar la información.

Última edición por Dasein el Lun Ago 10, 2009 1:58 pm, editado 1 vez


Mensajes : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2008

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